Professional tinting solutions

Santint jest jednym z wiodących producentów profesjonalnych maszyn barwiących, które gwarantują najwyższą jakość połączoną z wysoką dokładnością i precyzją, dzięki zaawansowanym rozwiązaniom z zakresu automatyki.


Professional automatic dispensers allow you to dispense colorants / tonners in the most convenient way. Machines are used all over the world by global decorative and industrial paints producers as well as varnish and plasters manufacturers.


Mixers and shakers are designed to mix effectively colorants with the base to reach the stable precise color of the final product. In Santint portfolio there are automatic and manual machines available ready to fulfill investors’ requirements.


Professional tinting systems designed for automative industry offer precise and fast tinting. Tinting time is significantly reduced. Top quality service support and fast after-sales support guaranteed.


Thanks to Santint software the tinting process can be fully automated and controlled. There are plenty of reporting options to be used using an intuitive and customizable dashboards. Advanced cloud functions allow producer to control various tinting points which can be located in many areas of the world.
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