Automatic Dispenser - A3-HS

Santint Cloud System

It provides a complete industry solution,such as shop mangement, formula synchronization, data push, big data collection and big data analysis for decorative paint/auto paint manufacturers.



SanTint Cloud 3 can make functional connection with the platforms of Santint and support all kinds of application integration. Meanwhile, it can connect to customer’s system.

Data Security

Adopts SOA framework platform of santint. The reliable communication of framework data and multiple encryption in data transmission ensures data’s security.

Shop Management

SanTint Cloud System controls every tinting terminal, to prevent shops from using dispenser out of contract.

Reduce Cost

The formula’s real-time synchronization and advertisement promotions’ real-time delivery solves several issues in decorative paint/auto paint industry such as slow manual update of formula, high input cost and color discrepancy issues and so on.


Cloud Management Shop management / User management/ Formula management/ Query management/Global deployment and unified management/ Region and structure management
Cloud Storage Standard formula data storage/ Client configuration backup storage/ Customers’ data storage/ Customers’tinting history record storage
Cloud Push Configuration push/ News/announcement push/ Advertisement push/ Label push/ User authority push


Cloud Computing Search formula online/ Big data collection and computational analysis
Cloud Report Tinting data report/ Aftersales report/ Log report
Cloud Aftersales Service Real-time feedback of machine status/ Aftersales progress tracking/ Color discrepancy/Aftersales handling
Cloud Accessories Service station management/ Warehouse management/ Material management/Inventory management



Santint Cloud System


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